Sending video

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Sending video

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Sending video allows to assign a video advertisement to the selected machine.

To send an advertisement video to a machine

Place the mouse cursor over the machine
Click with left button, the row will turn la blue
Task bar > Modify > Send Video

tipbulbTo send an advertisement video to a machine:

Arrow_rTask bar > Modify > Send video

Arrow_rPick the video to be send

Select the video

A window is opened with the video list available for the operator
Pick the video to be send
Confirm with Ok
Keep in mind that:
The video must first be uploaded to the server from the video view to appear on the list of possible videos to be assigned
The videos from the list can be filtered by operator
The video only appears in the machine if it has been validated and if it is in the time interval in which it is assigned

The interval can be edited through the video card
