Ranking card

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Ranking card

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Both to create a Ranking as to change the settings of an existing one is done through the Ranking card.


flag_greenRanking card

Ranking card


To edit the Ranking card

Place the mouse cursor over the machine
Click with left button, the row will turn la blue
Click with the right button of the mouse and select Edit card


Top tool bar > Modify > Edit card


Task bar > Click over icon Icona-Editar

To open Ranking card:

Arrow_rRight button  > Edit card

Ranking card fields


Comp. ID

Competition identification

It is assigned by the system, it can't be changed



Ranking name

For machines with version 7 the name must be 16 characters max.

For machines with verion 8 or higher the name must be 20 charactes max.


Opens a display to select the administrator of the Ranking

By default it is the Operator itself or an independent Administrator that depends on the Operator.


If the Ranking is or not on Test mode


Allows to play ranked games in Free Play mode inside a Ranking

The games of the Rankings in Test mode are automatically deleted from the server after a month, so that the competitions will only save the information of the last 30 days

The deleted information is unrecoverable


The games do not count



This Ranking is a subRanking that's part of a SuperRanking


It is not a SuperRanking


If subRanking is checked a display is opened to select the superRanking where it belongs.


Display to chose the geographical area where the competition is played:



By default is local





On the general ranking of the SuperRanking, points that get the first classified of each subRanking


In the general ranking of a SuperRanking, points that decrease the points given to each subRanking-ranked compared to the first classified


In the general ranking of a SuperRanking, number of players scoring subRanking for the SUPER


Free Review written by Ranking administrator


Date and time after which the Ranking is visible on the machine

          Groups the functions What's seen and What can be played

              In the Rankings always match


Date and time after which the Ranking does not play on the machine

    It can be seen longer on the machine depending on different conditions.

    By default up to 15 days after the end date


Day on which the Ranking is deleted from API, from the machine and everywhere.

End date can not be more than 180 days past the end date
The machines will show the competition details in the finished section for 15 days after it is deleted.


The choice to have the Ranking played with Handicap


Es un juego por Rating (presencial o virtual)

A la media de las partidas de la competición se le resta la media personal (valor que tenía en la foto) al inicio de la primera partida del campeonato
Va variando a lo largo del campeonato
Si sale negativo o cero aparece como 0,01


Does not play with any handicap


Number of best games that count towards the championship

The number of games averaged to count in classifying a player in the Ranking
The PPD or MPR is calculated on the highest number of games obtained by each player defined in the ClassNo box
The max games allowed is 99
Recomended number is 3-8 games


Number of top players in each category were the videos are automatically uploaded to the server for refereeing

Automatically the best videos from the best number of players defined here are sent to the server for each category.
When the video is on the server and can be viewed from the API.
Premium players can also view their single best game video from the competition via their login at Radikal players.
If you have 7 games in ClasNo -  10 players FirstVid -  and 4 categories in the Ranking, videos uploaded to the server are - 7x10x4 = 280 videos

Fix Price

Allows a special price per game which can be different than the machine setting. Its always in cents.

Copy Championship

Tool to copy the data from another Ranking.

When creating a ranking click this first to open a new window and select a previous Ranking to copy from.

Displays a list of Rankings you can copy the parameters of.
Allows you to filter by admin ID
select the ranking you wish to copy from in blue
Press OK to copy the data
Note: Times are not copied
Update the copied data as you need


Indicates that the championship is restricted to Premium players only:


The ranking is only open to premium players - non premium players will stay in the general category regardless of rating


The ranking is open to all players

Change cat.auto

Players who get their Radikal rating during the competition are automatically changed to the appropriate category.


The ranking has automatic category change


The ranking does not auto change categories

Players who have "0" Radikal Rating (PPD or MPR) go to the category that includes non rated players (default is the general category) and when they get automatically changed to average category due to them for scoring. 

This calculation / changes are made at 7 o'clock in the morning

Inside Box Items

Only valid if the Ranking is for Teams

Maximum Games

Option to specify a maximum number of games per player


Specify's that there is a max number of games per player


It has ClassNo = 5, max games = 20, and  FirstVid = 15

The system allows the first 20 games of the championship per player to be looked at, then calculates the scores for each player based on the best 5 of those 20. The videos uploaded to the server for refereeing will be the top 15.


Option to make the ranking for teams


Ranking set for teams


Ranking is not for teams

Main Players

Number of players on the team that will count towards the scoreboard standings.

The average of the team will be the ClassNo games of each of the main players on the team

For Example:

ClassNo = 5, Main Players = 2, FirstVid = 15, Teams have 3 Players.

The average of the best 5 games from the best 2 players on the team will make the team average that counts in the scoreboard.

Furthermore the top 15 teams videos will be downloaded for refereeing.



Option to choose the ga,e to be played

Only 301, 501, Cricket, Burma and Highscore can be played in Rankings


Max Rounds

Maximum rounds the game can be played until. Must be greater than 1.


El Rating sólo es para campeonato presencial o online


It is played with Handicap


It is NOT played with Handicap

Si un jugador tiene Rating se le añaden marcas en el Cricket o se le descuenta puntos en los juegos X01
Lo hace según el algoritmo de Rating que se aplica a cada media personal y la diferencia entre medias de los jugadores (compara con el mejor)

Bull 25/50


Bullseye is worth 25/50. The outer bull segment is worth 25 points and the inside segment is worth 50 points.


Bullseye is worth 50/50. Both segments are worth 50 points.


X01 Box

If selected to play 501 or 301 the X01 box is activated. Select:


Decide how the first dart of the game should count.


Can hit any segment


Must hit a double segment. Inner bull segment also counts.


Must hit a triple segment


Must hit any Double, Triple or Bull Segment. Center bull only for 25/50 or either bull segment for 50/50


How the game winning dart must score

The options are the same as IN.

Last Chance

This option gives all players in the game the same number of darts in that round, even if a prior player has closed the game.


To finish the game requires all players play the same number of rounds. In case of a tie the player with the highest average wins.

Apply Freeze Rule

Classroom and TEAMX01 only. It applies to bookmark team


If the sum of the opposing team points is less than the points mate (our team) the score of the screen blue, indicating that you can NOT reach zero 
If it reaches zero mark and has no Bust (who had returned to the value) 
At zero the machine that applies the default configuration has game 
There are three possibilities: 
oLosing the game 
oStay zero waiting mate 
oMark Bust and go back



Cricket Box

When the Game Cricket is chosen this box is activated



Points are given to opponent

Points after closing a number are given to the opponent instead of your own score. Must have the least points to win the game.


Cricket normal

Most points when closed or at end of rounds wins the game

Diff 200 pts


The max difference allowed between your points and the opponents

If the difference is greater, the points do not count any more
If the game is virtual and only one player, he can not accumulate more than 200 points
When TEAMCRICKET difference allowed is 400 points

Close Team

Only Team Cricket


To finish the game all team members must close all numbers.


Game mode can be:


Normal Cricket 16-20 and Bull


Numbers 1-6 and Bull


Random numbers

If a mark on a number is achieved it stays fixed.


Random numbers

A number only stays fixed if it is closed in the same round. If only 1-2 marks are achieved they are removed and also a different number could take its place in the coming round

No Score

Normal Cricket but without scoring points


Only 20 is available to start the game

Until all players close the 20 the 19 does not appear and so on until all numbers get closed.

Points are given to opponents who do not have the number closed. Player with the lowest points at the end of the game wins.


Displays the settings of selected game


Text Box

The administrator writes any text they want addressed to the player which will appear on the information section at the machine for the competition

Se escribe un texto para cada idiomaque se marque



Select the language based on machine language setting

Machines are available in many languages. You can write different descriptions for each language of the machine setting within the same competition.

Show Organizers Contact


Displays on the machines the phone and email contacts of the organizer (admin of the competition)

Contact info must be in the admins profile for it to appear.


Categories Box

Displays the list of categories defined in the competition


Category identifier

It automatically generates


Category Name

This is what is displayed on the machines for players to see.


Who can play in the category

N Neutral - Male or Female

M Male only

F  Female only


Lower limit of the category

PPD or MPR will be determined by the type of game chosen previously


Upper limit of the category

PPD or MPR will be determined by the type of game chosen previously



Create a new category and insert it into the list


Delete a category from the list

General visible


The general category is visible

The General category will contain all the players not falling within the category parameters above.

Category Score Type

Rating type that is used to group players into categories

The Rating can be PPD (Points Per Dart) or MPR (Average Per Round)

The options are:


o " "

Uses the one associated with the game played

For X01,TeamX01, Highscore... its PPD

For Cricket, TeamCricket, Burma... its MPR


PPD is used regardless of the game type


MPR is used regardless of the game type


Once a championship is created an additional tab appears to assign machines to this championship.


Machines Tab

Machine ID

Serial Number of Machine


Operator ID

Nachine Name

Name of the machine


City of the machine


State where the machine is located


Version of the machine software


Select an operator ID to see machines from that operator

Only Not Assigned


Displays all machines that the competition is NOT assigned to for that operator.

Only Assigned


Displays all the machines  that the competition IS assigned to for that operator

Unselect All Machines

Removes all machines assigned to this championship

Acknowledge with OK or Cancel